Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Os Mutantes - Minha Menina

Os Mutantes is a criminally unknown Brazilian psych-rock band formed in 1966. They have been referred to as the Brazilian Beatles and I personally think the Beatles should be referred to as the British Os Mutantes. I kid, kind of. I've personally always heard a bit more honesty and sincerity in Os Mutantes music than in Beatles music (I believe this is because Os Mutantes was totally independent with no borders or frontiers right from their inception), though the Beatles did influence them (who didn't they influence at that time). Musically and creatively this band was as talented as many legends from that same era. They made many of their own instruments (an effects pedal powered by a sewing machine, a can of bug spray to imitate a cymbal sound) which gave their sound an unmatched uniqueness in addition to their already unique blend of Bossa Nova/Pop/Brazilian Rhythms/R&B. Politically, they dealt with threats from Brazil's coupe d'etat military government (thanks in large part to "we fear commies America") in the 1960s. Many shows had to be cut short when the military would threaten them with raids. I love the response from Sergio Dias regarding the military threats in a recent interview:

What did the government fear from the Tropicalistas?

What they couldn’t grasp... youth and indestructibility.

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